Thursday, August 22

being lonely on the internet

It's difficult, when your life is so cluttered with notifications and updates, to focus on what's really important. One of the lies that social networking platforms tell us (and the internet at large - not excluding a blog like this one) is that we are always heard, and that this is a suitable replacement for face-to-face validation. Just the other day, I spoke to Emma about how leaving comments on blogs is so important (no pressure) because it's a real signal that someone has enjoyed what you've shared, and highlights the difference between a pageview count and actual knowledge that your voice is being heard.

Having said this, I just watched this beautiful infographic video by Shimi Cohen, and I suggest you take a look too:

Makes you think, doesn't it? I like to think that I interact with people on a real level, but the truth is I'm satisfied with facebook, and it's a problem. Every time I post, it makes other people feel like they can know what's going on in my life, when really I only post stuff that makes me look good and smart and beautiful (and that's not the real me). So while facebook is a lovely way to share, it's not an accurate reflection, and it's important to stop and remember that every once in a while (and even more than once).

Wednesday, August 21

can't wait for summer

I hate the winter! I say it every year. I tried to cheer myself up with some snazzy snoods and bold coats, but I love the heat too much, and my soul yearns for those short-short-wearing, skirt-flipping months that make me smile. Come back sooooooon, summer! Here are some things I'm (impatiently) waiting for:

Tuesday, August 13

hello yourself, lionel richie

Is it me you're looking for?

Those famous lyrics were immortalised by Lionel Richie in his chart-breaking 1984 hit "Hello". It's such a classic, but what makes it even more fun is the fact that it's become the source of so many giggles. Put on your mustaches, people - it's time for some good ol' fashioned puns.

Thursday, August 8

that coffee shop dream

Here's a tiny post to brighten up your day. As a side-effect of studying philosophy, you often get asked how the innumerable concepts and skills you learn will be applicable to the 'working world' (whatever that it). It happens all the time! It's quite frustrating, but helps me realize that a career doesn't necessarily have to be my life goal. How about a happy goal? Like opening a coffee shop? Mmm, yes. That is a happy idea indeed.

One day, when I finally open that dream coffee shop, I hope my wit keeps up with my expanding business. I love it when employees use their opportunity for creativity and run with it. Here are some cool examples, probably in existence due to the fact that the employees responsible are BA (Liberal Arts) students who couldn't find industry jobs (hey! that's me, only, in the future! heehee).