Wednesday, August 21

can't wait for summer

I hate the winter! I say it every year. I tried to cheer myself up with some snazzy snoods and bold coats, but I love the heat too much, and my soul yearns for those short-short-wearing, skirt-flipping months that make me smile. Come back sooooooon, summer! Here are some things I'm (impatiently) waiting for:

1. them skirts

Oh my gosh, I love this gif! I need to organise myself and fill my wardrobe with these summer beauts.

2. everything in ice

Whether it's a lollie or a slush, I miss the refreshing tang of flavoured ice. I scorn the stuff during winter, but I'm looking forward to the days when I just can't go without it.

Can you taste the sour minty flavour? Yum! You can get the recipe for this lime mint slush on Babble.

Bright colour pop-of-flavour popsicles!

3. braais that don't suck

So braai'ing in winter is the worst, because there's something about eating a boerewors roll that needs the outdoors!

4. all sunnies, all the time

I have sunglasses that are crying themselves to sleep at night because of their abandonment issues. I know the sun doesn't drop out of the sky in winter, but summer just reminds me to bring them along more. Mo' sun = mo' sunnies.

They also add great omph to your "what did you just say??" expressions:

5. flowers in your hair

Literally! Emma has started making some lovely flower crowns (click the link for her full blog post about her flippin' cool creations), and I can't wait for the floral dresses and sleeveless flowy tops to match them. Here's a beautiful photo of the lady herself:

... and I know the perfect place to wear them!

6. outdoor music

Summer! Music! Beer! Picnic blankets! Yes! Yes! Yes! Some events to looks forward to include Rocking the Daisies (in CT, 3-6 October) and In the City (ALT-j are headlining on 4 Oct)! Here's the video from last year's event, and because we were front and centre, WE'RE TOTES IN IT! yay!

That's all for now... any more writing and I'll die waiting for The Thaw. 

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