Thursday, August 22

being lonely on the internet

It's difficult, when your life is so cluttered with notifications and updates, to focus on what's really important. One of the lies that social networking platforms tell us (and the internet at large - not excluding a blog like this one) is that we are always heard, and that this is a suitable replacement for face-to-face validation. Just the other day, I spoke to Emma about how leaving comments on blogs is so important (no pressure) because it's a real signal that someone has enjoyed what you've shared, and highlights the difference between a pageview count and actual knowledge that your voice is being heard.

Having said this, I just watched this beautiful infographic video by Shimi Cohen, and I suggest you take a look too:

Makes you think, doesn't it? I like to think that I interact with people on a real level, but the truth is I'm satisfied with facebook, and it's a problem. Every time I post, it makes other people feel like they can know what's going on in my life, when really I only post stuff that makes me look good and smart and beautiful (and that's not the real me). So while facebook is a lovely way to share, it's not an accurate reflection, and it's important to stop and remember that every once in a while (and even more than once).

Wednesday, August 21

can't wait for summer

I hate the winter! I say it every year. I tried to cheer myself up with some snazzy snoods and bold coats, but I love the heat too much, and my soul yearns for those short-short-wearing, skirt-flipping months that make me smile. Come back sooooooon, summer! Here are some things I'm (impatiently) waiting for:

Tuesday, August 13

hello yourself, lionel richie

Is it me you're looking for?

Those famous lyrics were immortalised by Lionel Richie in his chart-breaking 1984 hit "Hello". It's such a classic, but what makes it even more fun is the fact that it's become the source of so many giggles. Put on your mustaches, people - it's time for some good ol' fashioned puns.

Thursday, August 8

that coffee shop dream

Here's a tiny post to brighten up your day. As a side-effect of studying philosophy, you often get asked how the innumerable concepts and skills you learn will be applicable to the 'working world' (whatever that it). It happens all the time! It's quite frustrating, but helps me realize that a career doesn't necessarily have to be my life goal. How about a happy goal? Like opening a coffee shop? Mmm, yes. That is a happy idea indeed.

One day, when I finally open that dream coffee shop, I hope my wit keeps up with my expanding business. I love it when employees use their opportunity for creativity and run with it. Here are some cool examples, probably in existence due to the fact that the employees responsible are BA (Liberal Arts) students who couldn't find industry jobs (hey! that's me, only, in the future! heehee).

Wednesday, July 31

achromatic mary

I haven't blogged recently. It's because I'm mostly hung up on varsity work, or procrastination due to freaking out about how much varsity work I have to do (this is not helpful). This year I'm doing my Honours in Philosophy at Wits University - it's really interesting but super difficult, especially this semester as I've got to get cracking on my thesis (or long research essay). Even though it's much more complicated than it appears at first, my topic has some intuitive appeal. Read the following story and think about it yourself.

Monday, July 29

for the love of fonts

Typeface and typography can be such a beautiful means of conveying an idea or a mood. I like knowing that a font isn't just a means to convey written language, but can be beautiful all on it's own, or - as the following will show - interpreted into something completely new. Here are some creative examples of typography gone wild.

Monday, July 22

wedding choices

If you didn't already know, I'm getting married in January. It's going to be a small, simple, and hopefully beautiful event in a remote part of Limpopo, surrounded by woods and vistas. Planning weddings, however, is not very simple. There are lots of options these days - it isn't just a choice between this or that Methodist church or this or that table setting. One confusion culprit is Pinterest. SO. MANY. IDEAS. All of the following can be found on my wedding pinterest board. Here are a couple that are annoying me (but only because they're so good I can't choose between them):

Tuesday, July 16

photography can be bizzare

When I was a kid, my dad always used to buy disposable cameras for me and my brother when we went on holidays. This purchase usually resulted in A LOT of stupid photos, often of the same thing and often from a blurry distance (one reel was JUST photos of donkeys - seriously, who was I?). Well, it was my birthday last month, and Natasha bought me a disposable camera. The 20-odd photos were quickly snapped in that old-timey wind-and-shoot way that reminded me of simpler times, before selfies and instagram.

I'm no photographer. But I am an aspiring hipster, so I have a Diana F+ film camera (thanks for the gift, bro) that makes photos not only expensive to shoot but nigh-impossible to get right (especially if you have a "oh just take the flippin' photo" attitude like I do). Still, it's fun. After getting Tash's film developed, I decided to enlighten my blog about some weird camera stuff that's out there. Here are four photographic devices that puzzle and delight me.

Friday, July 12

crimes against hugh's manatees

I confess to spending way too much time wandering around the internet, but I try to think of it less as wasted time and more as time spent expanding my creative horizons. That little lie works best when I find beautiful things online - and tumblr is such a good source. I follow a variety of picture-blogs there, from the always-entertaining web news blog the daily what  to the evocative poet Sierra DeMulder. I also follow Hugh D. Crawford's hilarious crimes against hugh's manatees, one of my fave FAVE webcomics. He's flippin' hilarious. His cut-out critters are so existentially hopeless it makes them too endearing for words. Check out some of my favourites below, and check out the tumblr (linked above) for more info.

Wednesday, July 10

my guitar kids

I flipping adore teaching these two kids - Dylan and Kacy, aged 11 and 6 respectively.

I'm an intern at a high school, and it's the best place for finding clients. These two are the highlight of my Wednesday afternoons. I only take them for 30 minutes (can a kid under 10 really do anything for longer than 30 minutes?) but they're always so hyped up on life that our time seems to fly and drag all at once. Between trying to get them to practice F,  our lessons are commentated by a non-stop stream of the gross jokes that are circulating Dylan's class, and frequently interrupted by Kacy's gymnastics (the girl cannot sit still, to her adorable credit). We end every session with a strange game that involves at least one foot race and two complicated additions to rock-paper-scissors. Last week it was a water-bomb fight (loosely put: they had no water bombs. They just gulped up water and spat it at one another).

Regardless, I love these two. One day they might learn how to actually play guitar.

Dylan as a "cool kid" - the guitar adds 10 points

Thursday, June 20

the roof

On Sunday night, Dylan asked if he could come explore the roof of our building the next day in search of an epic sky-high photo of Joburg. Mart and I were already keen, so we heartily agreed!

To get to the roof, you have to take the elevator to the 16th floor and climb the flight of stairs in front of you. Then you make your way to the top of the laundromat - being careful to avoid the rusty ladders, the broken glass, the abandoned bottles of vodka and, of course, falling off a building.

Perils aside, once we were up there it was great! Dyl gave Mart a camera and some tips, and gave me an iPhone with an olloclip. Here is some of the fun I got up to while the boys took real photos:

Tuesday, June 18


Hi guys!

Welcome to my blog. Here are all the things I love about life, love, music, art, philosophy and Johannesburg. I hope this is a good start to a good place on the internet for myself.

Oh, and I used to add the suffix "-bear" to my boyfriend's name. My bestie Daniel used to make fun of it, and coined the term "Judybear".